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8th May 2024

2024 Weather Update

You might have seen that there was some significant rainfall over the weekend in the Blue Mountains. This has caused some minor slips and landslides on sections of the UTA courses, closing some sections of trail.

We’re in constant contact with all stakeholders as we build up to UTA in a week's time, determining which tracks are likely to be open and safe to run on., Right now, we’re still hopeful to be able to use our current UTA courses as advertised on the website with no changes, but with more rain forecast in the coming days and into the weekendwe are prepared for change. Contingency courses are prepped and ready to go should they be needed. More details on these can be found below.

We will be constantly monitoring the weather, track conditions and closures alongside our stakeholders through the next five days and will make a final decision as to whether we remain on our current courses or change to our contingency courses on Tuesday 14 May. This gives our team the time to make the best decisions for runner safety and experience, while also allowing you, the runners, to make plans and prepare for your race day ahead.

Some things to be aware of regardless of the courses:

  • It will be wet and muddy underfoot – so prepare with the right shoe selection, spare socks and shoes in your drop bags (UTA100), and the potential of having to spend time with wet feet. Be prepared to get wet and muddy, and take extra caution on the trails.
  • There’s all likelihood we will see rain on race day. This means having not just your mandatory gear, but other wet weather gear options that will make you the most comfortable and safe on race day.
  • Look out for your fellow runner! If they take a tumble or slide and slide, help them out and be patient!

Thanks for your understanding and patience as we work through what the weather gods throw at us over the next few days, and we can’t wait to see you in the Blue Mountains in a week's time, mud and all!

What will our current contingency courses look like?

While anything can happen between now and race day, given the information on hand to our team currently, the below information details what you can expect from our planned contingency courses should we need to use them.

If required, final contingency courses will be released on Tuesday 14 May.


  • The first half of the UTA100 will remain as it currently is, starting at Scenic World, heading down Narrow Neck, out to the Megalong Valley, before returning via Six Foot track to Katoomba Aquatic Centre then along to Echo Point.
  • From Echo Point, runners will remain on cliff top tracks rather than dropping into the valley.
  • They will run clifftop tracks out through Leura Cascades, Pool of Siloam, through the Fairmont Resort, down through Wentworth Falls, all the way out to Queen Victoria Hospital and the Checkpoint there.
  • From here they will return back the way they came on cliff top tracks, taking slightly diverted trails in some sections, to return back to Scenic World and complete their UTA100.
  • This avoids having to enter the Kedumba Valley, if there are flooding risks, as well as running on undercliff tracks, where we’re cautious of rockfall and slips as a result of the rain and wet ground.


  • Starting at Scenic World, runners will run the first part of the course as normal to Echo Point.
  • From Echo Point, runners will remain on cliff top tracks rather than dropping into the valley.
  • They will run clifftop tracks out through Leura Cascades, Pool of Siloam, through the Fairmont Resort, down through Wentworth Falls, all the way out to Queen Victoria Hospital and the Checkpoint there.
  • From here they will return back the way they came on cliff top tracks, taking slightly diverted trails in some sections, to return back to Scenic World via the top section of the Furber Steps, and complete their UTA50.
  • This avoids having to enter the Kedumba Valley, if there are flooding risks, as well as running on undercliff tracks, where we’re cautious of rockfall and slips as a result of the rain and wet ground.


  • The UTA22 will remain a point-to-point race, so runners will still be required to catch their start line shuttle bus as booked.
  • The race will start near Tableland Rd, then head north to Wentworth Falls, through Nature Track to Fairmont Resort, then down Sublime Point Road to Pool of Siloam, onto the Prince Henry Cliff Walk and along the cliff tops to Echo Point, along to Skyway East Station and up the top section of the Furber Steps to complete their UTA22.
  • This avoids having to enter the Kedumba Valley, if there are flooding risks, as well as running on undercliff tracks, where we’re cautious of rockfall and slips as a result of the rain and wet ground.


  • Starting at Scenic World, runners will head up cliff drive and onto Glenraphael Drive, before making their way to Narrow Neck.
  • The race will run out along Narrow Neck trail to approximately where the Castle Head Lookout trail begins.
  • They’ll then return along Narrow Neck, up the Narrow Neck Miners Track, onto Cliff Drive, and back down to Scenic World.